O2 Spacer/Sims


Innovative Performance Plus Customs sells devices for non-road competition vehicles that fall under the below exemption. They are "expressly sold to be used on non-road competitive vehicles only".
Use on street driven vehicles is expressly forbidden.
Within The 1990 Clean Air Act Congress EXEMPTED "Non Road Vehicles Used Solely For Competition" (see below EPA Bulletin " EPA420-F-02-045).
Manufactured and Sold Expressly for Non-Road Vehicles Used Solely for Competition.
Racing, Modified Racing Exhaust Testing an Tuning Diagnostics ONLY.
Not sold For Use On Production Street Vehicles ("on road" or "on highway" vehicles)
Not to be used in a manner that is inconsistent with use Solely For Competition.
Below is the actual EPA Bulletin
To download the pdf version Click here.

 40 CFR 1068.101 (4)(B)
Manufactured and Sold Expressly for Non-Road Vehicles Used Solely for Competition.
Racing, Modified Racing Exhaust Testing an Tuning Diagnostics ONLY.
***Not sold For Use On Production Street Vehicles ("on road" or "on highway" vehicles).***

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